SWOT ANALYSIS : For the Seeker of Radhasoami Faith (A Management Way of Thinking) – by Er. Soami Prasad Mathur

Jivas are fed up from the atrocities of Kal Purush, Maya and her Allies – the mind, three gunas (sat, raj and tam) and five Doots-Vikars, (kam, krodh, lobh, moh and ahankar). They have a desire to come out of their clutches and save themselves from the cycle of birth and rebirth (chaurasi lakh yoni). Jivas meet the Sant Satguru of the time who makes them understand the Ultimate Reality and how to attain it. Since they are just at the threshold, they are liable to get tempted by the worldly pleasures created by Maya which are always a threat to them. An attempt is being made here to understand the situation of Jiva by his own self-analysis through a modern management technique known as SWOT Analysis.

Bachan Dadaji Maharaj – November 18, 2011 (AUDIO mp3 file) Bachan by PP Dadaji Maharaj on Bhandara PPPD Lalaji Maharaj. Please click and save the audio file (mp3 format).

Bachan by PP Dadaji Maharaj on Bhandara PPPD Lalaji Maharaj. Paath and Bachan by PP Dadaji Maharaj on November 19, 2011. Please click and save the audio file (mp3 format).

Bachan from Saar Bachan and Prem Patra by Dadaji Maharaj on November 20, 2011 (AUDIO mp3 file)
Bachan from Saar Bachan and Prem Patra by PP Dadaji Maharaj on November 20, 2011. Please click and save the audio file (mp3 format).

Bachan Dadaji Maharaj on November 20, 2011 (AUDIO mp3 file)
Bachan by PP Dadaji Maharaj on November 20, 2011. Please click and save the audio file (mp3 format).

Inaugural Address at International Seminar on RELIGION OF SAINTS (‘SANTS’) – RADHASOAMI FAITH by PP Dadaji Maharaj on November 12-14, 2010 at Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra
Spiritual consciousness, to me, is to explore the knowledge of the spirit and its origin or reservoir through intuitive realization. The proper course of attaining higher levels of spiritual consciousness for a sincere lover of the Supreme Being, according to Hazur Maharaj – the second Guru of Radhasoami Faith – is “to acquire knowledge of the secrets and the order of creation and the means of traversing the distance between his dwelling in the body (the pupil of the eye) and the abode of the Supreme Being, the prime source of everything; and to start on his journey with fervour and perseverance with the avowed object of one day reaching the presence of the Most High and Beloved Supreme Father.”

New Year Message by PP Dadaji Maharaj on January 1, 1999
Change is inevitable in this physical and material world. The year 1998 has passed and the new year has set in today. In this changing world, Hazur Maharaj Radhasoami Data Dayal appeared and provided solace and established the eternal current of love and devotion that has not changed; rather it has become more intensified in the year 1998. Radhasoami Satsang was established in 1861 by PPPD Soamiji Maharaj at the request of PPPD Hazur Maharaj. We have found a new path to exercise control over the mind and desires through the practice of love and devotion towards the Holy Feet of Sant Satguru…

Message to Satsangis by PP Dadaji Maharaj on December 27, 1998
On the eve of Centenary Celebrations at Hazuri Bhawan, PP Dadaji Maharaj delivered discourses to a large gathering of satsangis. He advocated spreading the message of Love (Prema Bhakti), outlined the lifestyle of a satsangi, and delineated the importance of the Guru of the time (Waqt Guru)…

An Earnest Appeal to the Satsangis
Discourse by Dadaji Maharaj to commemorate the Centenary Bhandara of PPPD Hazur Maharaj
A deep perusal of the biography and teachings of Hazur Maharaj makes it very clear that there is an imperative need for satsangis to rectify their conduct and lifestyles. In present times, tension is mounting high in the life of every person. There is a degradation of values of life. Self-centredness is growing apace. The financial crisis is the order of the day. Extremism is cast all over and chaotic conditions are surfacing. Spirituality has grown weak due to the onslaught of Kalyug. Torment and torture have assumed titanic proportions. These circumstances have also affected satsangis. The thoughts, teachings and edicts of Hazur Maharaj have gained greater relevance today…

Gurus of Radhasoami Faith